My Six Best Blog Posts

When I came into this inquiry class I was not sure what to expect, in fact I was not entirely sure how to blog either.  I would have been the first one to predict my best blogs would have been ones that were highly based on research; however it did not exactly turn out to be that way.  It came to be that four of my strongest blogs were ones that included not only research and citation but were primarily going off my opinions and beliefs, along with persuasiveness as well.  Looking back on the assignments given and grades I received, it is clear which six blogs were my best blogs.

As the semester went on I gradually found that my assumption of my strengths in writing were wrong.  It came easiest for me to write commentary type blogs that included a fair amount of me, the writer’s opinion.  This was because I was writing on topics that grew great interest to me and the writing came much smoother and easier.   

Disregarding the fact that these six blogs got the best overall grades, there are a couple other reasons why I believe these were in fact my best blogs.  The first reason was the interest that the topics for each of these six drew.  I found myself not paying attention to where I was on the paper or how far I had gotten, but instead just writing.  When writing a commentary type blog that you are interested in, it is not difficult to put together a well-researched and opinionated blog.  Having such a deep interest in the chosen topics also allowed me to go farther in depth and present the reader with more information than I would have with a topic of little interest.   The commentary blogs were most defiantly strength of mine just because of the freedom to choose our topics.

Another reason these six blogs were my best six was due to them being properly organized and consistent.  This point is cohesive with having interest in the topic because if you are intrigued by what you are writing it is easier for things to flow properly.  My six blogs give valid information or an argument and is structured well.  None of them contradict themselves and leave unanswered questions, creating a grammatically correct and well thought out blog.

There were some of my blogs that turned out to be my best, however felt the opposite while I was writing them.  For example my blog, When Are You a “Real” Adult felt like one of my weaker blogs.  However it turned out to be one of my strongest and best organized blog.  These six blogs show my strengths as a writer and there is no doubt that these six were the clear cut favorites for my top blogs of the semester.

My Six Best Blogs

–          Summer Book Reads,

–          YouTube?

–          Living Through Technology

–          When Are You A “Real” Adult?

–          Instilling a Love For What You Do

–          Capital Punishment; An American Necessity

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