Capital Punishment; An American Necessity

Murder, forcible rape, both are one way tickets to your death bed and properly so.  In the United States there are too many questions being brought about whether or not capital punishment is right and if it should be banned.  The main question that arises is, is it cruel and unusual punishment?  Some people argue that the Declaration of Independence has protection, if you will.  Well I can tell you having the intent to murder someone and then doing so does not deserve the Declarations protection of their rights.  People who have the audacity to take a human beings life or sexually assault them against their will, deserve nothing less than death.   All those who oppose capital punishment should rethink their decision because their thought process is what is giving murders a second chance at the freedom they do not deserve.  After someone commits murder or rape of any kind they are entitled to one thing and one thing only, and that is being put to death.

Death row is a deserving place for many, but the process itself needs to be sped up by the United States government.  Some inmates sit in death row anywhere from five to twenty five years.  For one this is not cheap, being that the average inmate costs around 100,000 dollars per year according to the website “The Economist”.  It is no mystery that the American Economy is far from being well off, so why waste money on prisoners that have been sentenced to death?  Once it has been proven that these convicts committed murder, rape, or sexual assault, they should have a minimum of two years on death row.  Two years is an extreme in many cases, for these convicts should not only have a speedy trial but punishment as well.

With that in mind I also believe that before a suspect is sentenced to death, there needs to be conclusive evidence and some sort of DNA testing.  This is to prove the suspect on trial is actually guilty.  Along with testing the suspects should have the right to appeal any conviction.  Once this process is done and the suspect has been convicted, they should be put to death.  Our world today is filled with enough evil and the last thing we Americans need is murders sitting in prison soaking up tax payer’s money.  Since it costs so much to keep these inmates in prison, why let them sit in prison?  Yes it may seem harsh at first thought, but it cannot be any harsher than the crime the convicted felon against their victim.  If I had anything to say about a murderers fate I would have them put to death in the same way they murdered their victim.  This would be equivalent to their crime and would serve deserving justice.

Due to the fact this is such a controversial topic there will probably not be any quick decisions made in the near future.  This is understandable however it is not understandable that people think that capital punishment should be done away with because it is “not right”.  People will continue to this this until someone dear to them is either killed or raped by a heartless human being.  Perhaps this will change people’s perspectives on capital punishment slowly and steadily.  Until Americas view on capital punishment is for the most part similar, the United States will continue to house pure bred ruthless killers.

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