Instilling A Love For What You Do

                Going to any place of a higher education and putting forth the effort needed to succeed in your area of choice is a process that must have a certain level of desire and love behind it.  This “love” for learning is a goal that Concordia is trying to instill into the minds of every student.  Having a love for learning sounds a lot less appealing to the ear of the average student but that may be due to the irrational thought process of the average student.  When you hear the goal, “instill a love for learning”, the first thing that comes to mind is homework followed by endless late nights with sleep deprivation worked in there as well.  These qualities do not come across as appealing to the student body as the administration may think, however the goal is one that should be passionately strived for.

                Part of going to college is the process of maturing and growing into a responsible young adult.  The thought of going to a homework free campus with a restriction on hours spent on homework sounds ideal, however is simply unrealistic.  We the students are going to college to study the field and career of our interest that we believe we will someday be doing.  If you ask the average student what they want to do when they are older the generic answer is, “something I love and that pays a lot”.  Well if students want to someday be employed in the career field they “love” then they better be willing to “love” putting forth effort in the learning process.  Now of course no student is going to love staying up late into the night doing homework and getting very little hours of sleep, but there needs to be a deeper appreciation for the reasoning behind the homework and the effort they are putting into their future. 

                Being a well-respected college that is known for their academics, Concordia’s goals are going to be far from easy to obtain for us students.  The last thing that we as students can do is let the difficulty of these goals push us away from wanting to obtain them.  This requires us to adjust and sometimes even change our lifestyles and the way we go about certain things such as time management and how we use our free time.  This is all part of what Concordia is trying to do in order to mold its students into the successful people they will someday be.  As a student many of the favored pass times require time and energy and that leaves little energy to direct towards work in the classroom and towards homework.  What Concordia is trying to do is take that energy and have you direct it towards your desired major with passion as well.  Going out and having fun with their free time is what students “love” to do but eventually (sooner than later) it is their responsibility to put the partying aside and focus on what matters, which is their degree.  From a student’s point of view, yes, it is hard to crack down and direct the majority of your time and focus to school, however there is a deeply rooted understanding of importance inside each student that keeps us on the straight and narrow.  As freshman in college the process of growing up and maturing out of the teenager phase of life is inevitable so the sooner that Concordia can instill this goal of a love for learning the more effective it will be on the students they are targeting.

                Overall looking at it from my point of view (the student) Concordia’s goal of instilling a love for learning in all its students seems like a necessary goal and one that solidifies the foundation of Concordia’s mission to mold the minds of its students.  Granted in some aspects the word “love” seems a little far-fetched due to it being left up for interpretation to the students.  There is no doubt that seriousness in the classroom and towards school out of the classroom is a priority for Concordia, but loving every step of the way as well.  It is clear that this specific goal is a challenging one but more importantly a necessary one.

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