
Updating your status, posting a new tweet, and even talking face to face with a family member who is hundreds of miles away, are all commonly used and well known types of social media.  With the technological world advancing at such a rapid rate there are more and more ways every week to stay in tuned to the social media world.  However finding an efficient and commonly used way is the key.  There are your basics which include Facebook, Twitter, and Skype which all allow you to stay in touch with friends and family.  All of these types of social media are accessible through cell phones, or laptops. With those in mind now imagine capturing a video on your phone and having it on the web in a matter of minutes.  In minutes it is posted for all of your friends and family members to see.  Do not think too hard because it’s much easier than it may seem, in fact it is a part of everyday life.

            This concept is up and coming and is called YouTube.  YouTube allows you to post videos, whether they are professionally shot or homemade videos, on the website.  The website does not stop there because that would be far too simplistic for this specific site.  With the addition of amateur or professional video postings, you can also find instructional videos, television series, movies, and many educational videos as well.  The capability of being able to post any video immediately to the site is as convenient as it sounds and has sparked people to post videos on everything. 

Everything from humorous to informational videos, and if their video gets enough “hits” the publisher could have videotaped his or her way to fame.  Many publishers who have gotten a large number of views (usually humorous videos) are offered commercial appearances.  One example is this crowd favorite, 

It may sound like a simple concept and seem like a typical type of social media that is not efficient or necessary but in many ways it is.  It can be very helpful in some tough situations as well.  You can look up videos that a teacher has assigned, or look up “how to” videos.  These can range from how to do a magic trick, to how to tie a tie. There is also the option to watch a television show or movies, so don’t think it is strictly restricted to home videos.  This new type of social media is not only a creative way to keep in touch with the outside world, but in a fun way as well.  It is a different alternative other than Facebook and Twitter and is in some ways much more valuable.  It is valuable in a way that allows people to reach out to the world in a creative and positive way. YouTube is a way to keep in touch with our fast paced world, and at the pace its going, YouTube could be the new “Facebook”.

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