Living Through Technology

You reach into your pocket in hopes to pull out your cell phone, but instead you get a handful of lint and only your pocket.  You realize that you have lost your phone, and instant panic sets in.  Why is it that people have such a helpless and empty feeling without their cellphone? I will tell you why, and that is because the dependency on social media and networking is enormous.  If cell phones and the internet were to be wiped off the earth today, there would be not only a panic amongst everyone but a giant question on how to go about social networking in an equally efficient and convenient way.  There is no doubt in my mind that the social media world and social networking has had an impact on my personal and collegiate life, but in what way is the question that needs to be answered.

                When you live a busy life where things are constantly on the go and you hardly have any time to yourself, social media and social networking can play a key role to the simplification of someone’s life.  When thinking of weather this addition to my life is either positive or negative it seems almost completely obvious that positive is the only way to describe the impact that the internet and cell phones have had on my life.  Now don’t get me wrong because cell phones can have their negative effect on the social world as far as drama within friends, additional bill payments, and requiring your undivided attention.  As far as the internet some will say computers are too expensive, people become too dependent on the internet, and peoples person to person social skills go out the window due to internet chatting and emailing, but even all of these poorly put together arguments against the internet, email, and cellphones cannot overweigh the positives that are brought about by these necessities in today’s world.

                Cell phones allow me to fulfill that instant need to need to know what is going on in the world.  Social networking allows me to stay in touch with people and events in an efficient way so I can stay on track in other busy aspects of my life.  In this day and age it is pretty hard to go about without having a cellphone, email, or the internet.  All three make it easier for me to contact people and for them to contact me as well.

                The influence that social media and networking has had on my collegiate experience is no different, and by that I mean its influence has been only positive.  Being able to email my professors with questions or send them my papers has saved me numerous times even already.  Yes I do find myself dazing off into the Facebook world sometimes, but Facebook has allowed me to stay in touch with family and friends that are close and important to me.  This gives me the opportunity to be a successful student and also stay in touch with my social life as well.

                There is no doubt that the social media world has different impacts on peoples lived in many different ways, but for mine only the word positive comes to mind.  It’s hard to imagine being denied the quick and easy access to the internet, which allows me to gather needed information on a paper.  It’s also harder to imagine the impact I would obtain if I had no way to stay in touch with friends and family.  Lucky for me I don’t see cell phones, email, or the internet going anywhere anytime soon.

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